I was going to do something very different from what I finally did. At the beginning, I decided to do a research about the gardens, people and the activities,
which take place in the garden.
In order to do that I neededto take some photos. I realised I was looking at the garden through my camera and suddenly found myself capturing images which were not relevant to my research.I also realised the pattern of my movements had changed. Instead of walking
In order to do that I neededto take some photos. I realised I was looking at the garden through my camera and suddenly found myself capturing images which were not relevant to my research.I also realised the pattern of my movements had changed. Instead of walking
alongside a line in order to arrive
to a destination, I was moving around a certain point.In fact, the linear movement that would take me from A to B had changed to a movement within a certain space.I began to realise why itwahappening.I was looking for beauty in the garden. In fact, I was looking for things, which usually are ignored by people who walk pass .in order to find those beauties; I needed to look for them everywhere.In other words, I needed to be everywhere. The linear movement would not be helpful as, when we walk we are only able to see things in front of us and are unaware of the space around.
to a destination, I was moving around a certain point.In fact, the linear movement that would take me from A to B had changed to a movement within a certain space.I began to realise why itwahappening.I was looking for beauty in the garden. In fact, I was looking for things, which usually are ignored by people who walk pass .in order to find those beauties; I needed to look for them everywhere.In other words, I needed to be everywhere. The linear movement would not be helpful as, when we walk we are only able to see things in front of us and are unaware of the space around.
The bridge and Floating in the space are two very short films in which I have tried to demonstrate movements in different directions within the space. I believe that, in order to appreciate and realise a space, one need to move in all directions within that space.